Meet our Chiropractic Doctors
Dr. Ron and Dr. Jody established New Hope Chiropractic in Gibsons back in 2006. They moved from Toronto, so they could live, serve and raise their family in a small caring community and enjoy the beautiful Sunshine Coast. Our purpose is to provide Gibsons and the Sunshine Coast with the highest quality of Chiropractic Care for the entire family.
Dr. Ron and Dr. Jody graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon in 2000 and 1998. They are both Canadian Board certified with the designation of Doctor of Chiropractic. They are both members in good standing with the British Columbia College of Chiropractors.
Dr. Ron Pashkewych – B.Sc. D.C.
New Hope Chiropractic in Gibsons & Coast Chiropractic in Sechelt, BC

Originally from Toronto, Dr. Ron Pashkewych has been in practice since 2000. He practices with his wife, Dr. Jody Pashkewych, who has also been a Chiropractor since 1998. In the beginning of their career they practiced in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and then Toronto for the next 5 years. As they began raising a family they decided to move to BC where Jody is from. Upon looking at many communities on the island and mainland, they fell in love with the Sunshine Coast and have practiced here since 2006.
They have two wonderful children and have created a busy family wellness practice in Gibsons, BC. Dr. Ron’s passion is seeing people become fully alive through Chiropractic Care and teaching the Chiropractic lifestyle of moving well, eating well and thinking well to as many people as possible. Outside of Chiropractic and playing with his kids, Dr. Ron loves to ski, paddleboard, kitesurf, cycle, play guitar and work on his organic garden to feed his growing family.
Dr. Jody Cox – B.Sc. D.C.
New Hope Chiropractic in Gibsons, BC
I am a wife, mother, Chiropractor, friend and sports enthusiast. I am a regular person following my calling to bring new hope to people in any way I can, but mainly through the gift and practice of Chiropractic.
My Chiropractic practice began in 1998 with training around the world, mission trips to Africa and coaching. I have learnt (and am still learning) that true health comes from above-down-inside-out (not outside in), and that Chiropractic is a lifestyle choice focused on creating health, not treating disease.
I absolutely LOVE adjusting people and can’t believe I get the privilege of serving people in this community everyday. I have witnessed hundreds of people go from despair to hopeful, from suffering with debilitating pain to being able to finally go skiing pain free down a mountain with their family, from kids who were once deemed to be asthmatic for the rest of their lives and our now able to play soccer and run for miles… all through the living principles of Chiropractic.

New Hope Chiropractic exists for one purpose – for families (like ours) to become fully alive… and stay that way. We start by teaching our patients the principles of normal body structure and function.
Second, we personally guide each person through a customized spinal correction process.
Finally, we empower families to remain healthy and become a living example of how the human body is meant function for a lifetime.
Our goal is to be World Class at everything we do. We work hard to bring excellence into our patient care, while maintaining balance within our home and career. Our mission is to bring as many families as we can with us to discover health as God intended – fully alive and thriving!

Let us know how he can help you to achieve better health!
New Hope Chiropractic in Gibsons & Coast Chiropractic in Sechelt, BC